A bright yellow lawn sign that says "Vote Today!"

This is your voice

This is the go-to destination for voters.

Information for voters


General Election

March 5, 2025 @ 9AM - March 6, 2025 @ 6PM

Council and GFC Elections

March 19, 2025 @ 9AM - March 20, 2025 @ 6PM

Elections FAQ

Voting is how you have your say in who represents you on campus. Student executives like your UASU President and Vice Presidents guide the direction of the student services, businesses, and initiatives that support you, and play a huge role in advocating for more resources for you to access and keeping more money in your pocket. Students’ Council is the highest decision-making body in the Students’ Union, and is comprised of representatives from each Faculty to advocate for their students and guide your UASU as a whole. The General Faculties Council is responsible for the academic affairs of the university, which can include approving academic plans, academic programs and policies, and more. Your vote can help determine how your voice is heard by the University and the UASU on issues that are important to you.

Your UASU holds three elections throughout the year: a By-Election in the Fall, and the General Election, and the Students’ Council and General Faculties Council Election takes place in the Winter term. New candidates are nominated for a variety of leadership roles and you vote on your representatives for the coming year.

Fall By-Election

  • Election to fill vacancies on Students' Council and the General Faculties Council.
  • Occurs during the first week of October each year.

Students' Union General Election

  • Election to fill the UASU President, Vice Presidents, and Board of Governors representative positions.
  • Plebiscite and/or Referenda questions, if any, occur during this election.
  • Occurs during the first week of March each year.

Students' Council (SC)/General Faculties Council (GFC) Elections

  • Election of councillors from the various faculties to either Students' Council or the General Faculties Council.
  • Faculty Association (FA) elections are encouraged to participate.
  • Occurs during third week in March each year.

Decide who you’ll cast your vote for during the campaign period leading up to the election by attending forums, following the campaigns on social media and chatting with candidates. Bios for each candidate will be available online during each election period.

All voting takes place online. The online voting system can be accessed using a phone or computer. When voting you will be required to enter your CCID and password along with your Student ID number in order to cast your ballot.

To vote online please visit uasu.ca/vote and follow the instructions.

To be eligible to vote in any UASU election, plebiscite, or referendum you must, at the time of voting:

  • Be a current undergraduate student at the University of Alberta taking at least one course for credit.
  • Have paid your Students' Union membership fees in full (if you are unsure you can check your fee assessment on Bear Tracks)
  • Have an active Campus Computing ID (CCID) and password, along with your student ID number

During UASU Students' Council and General Faculties Council elections, students are eligible to vote only in the faculty in which they are registered (ie. Arts students cannot vote for Business councilors).

If you do not have a working CCID, please contact IST. The Elections Office cannot resolve any CCID-related issues.

A preferential ballot allows you to rank the candidates for a given position based on your preferences. Your first choice for the position should be marked with a 1, your second choice with a 2, and so on.

For each race there is also a “None of the Above” option, which can be ranked in the same way you would a candidate. Candidates ranked below the “None of the Above” option will not be eligible to take office. In races where a joke candidate wins a seat, that seat will be considered vacant. In each race, please rank each candidate according to your preference by filling in the appropriate ranking circle for them.

View our explainer video on how preferential voting works.