A photo of Marina Banister, UASU President 2017-18, during an election forum with a row of other candidates seated behind her.

This is your student government

This is the go-to page for candidates.

Information for Candidates

Considering running in the next election? Find all the information you’ll need below.

There are typically three elections throughout the year:

October: Fall By-Election

  • Election to fill vacancies on:
    • UASU Students' Council
      • The highest governing body of the Students' Union. This council has ultimate decision-making authority over all aspects of the organization.
    • General Faculties Council
      • The academic legislative body of the University of Alberta. This council deals with all academic matters and student affairs issues (as set out in the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act). It is the highest level at which academic decisions are made, and is chaired by the President of the University of Alberta.

Early March: Students' Union Executive Committee/Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative Election

  • Election to fill the positions:
    • UASU Executive Committee
      • President: Acts as the primary spokesperson for the Students’ Union.
      • VP Academic: Advocates for students' interests within the University community and beyond.
      • VP External: Responsible for Students' Union government and community relations.
      • VP Operations and Finance: Responsible for managing the SU's $14 million budget.
      • VP Student Life: Responsible for university-related non-academic issues
    • Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative
      • Acts as a voice for the undergraduate student body on the University of Alberta Board of Governors, the ultimate decision making authority of the university.
      • Plebiscite and/or Referenda questions, if any, occur during this election.

Late March: Students' Council (SC)/General Faculties Council (GFC) Elections

As a candidate, make sure you’re following all of the rules regarding campaigning, your budget, complaints, appeals, etc. written in the following bylaws:

If you are looking to fill a vacancy after an election, consider the vacancy petition process.

If you are a first-time candidate or looking to find more information and tips on the election process, please reach out to your CRO: cro@su.ualberta.ca for guides, information, and advice.

2024 Fall By Election Nomination Package

Nominate yourself. Run in the 2024 Fall By Election and be the voice of students.

Download the Nomination Package