Take Action
Taking action is not only a powerful means of expressing your concerns and ideas, but it is also an essential step towards creating meaningful change. By actively engaging and advocating for the causes that resonate with you, you have the opportunity to shape the world around you and become an agent of positive transformation.
Empower yourself and make a difference by exploring these actionable steps that can help you effectively take a stand and advocate for the causes you believe in.

Write to the Minister
You can write a letter to the Minister of Advanced Education, or phone or email. Written correspondence is best:
Minister of Advanced Education
Legislature Office
10800 - 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5K 2B6
It's not a bad idea to also CC your MLA so they know you want change to educational policy.
Write a Letter to the Editor
Inspired by a compelling story? You can write a letter to the editor to let the public know your thoughts. Government officials read these letters with great interest.
Or write to University Administration
Write a Letter to University Administration
Got an issue with your University? Are your classes not up to the quality you expect? Let the Students' Union and the University Administration know.
Word of Mouth
Let your family, friends and neighbours know how education policy needs to change. Encourage them to express their feelings to the government and the public. Person by person, we can change government policy.
Submit a Freedom of Information Request
You have the right to access many internal government and University documents and communications by submitting a FOIP request. The standard fee is $25. If your request is especially broad, you may need to pay additional fees if you want to receive the documents you requested.
Get Involved with the UASU
You can volunteer for the Students' Union and help make events happen, spread the word and make your voice heard.