History of Campus Cup
On February 5, 2010, the University of Alberta broke the record for the world’s largest game of dodgeball with 1,198 total players. After the record was taken by the University of California, Irvine with 1,745 participants, the UofA reclaimed the record with 2,012 players on February 4, 2011. The UofA set the record one more time at 4,979 players on February 3, 2012, however the record has been held by UC Irvine since September 25, 2012 at 6,084 players. The initial smashing of this record in 2010 acted as the opening ceremony of the first Campus Cup, the beloved, annual campus-wide dodgeball tournament, with student, staff, and alumni participation.
Campus Cup was created as a way to bring the entire campus together to be active, relieve stress, and, most importantly, have fun! The inaugural tournament was held from February 5-7, 2010, and consisted of 16 teams battling it out for the coveted Campus Cup. The event started as a product of efforts from the Students’ Union, the Lister Dodgeball League, the Lister Hall Students’ Association, the Residence Halls Association, the Office of the Dean of Students, the Alumni Association, and Campus Recreation.
Campus Cup has seen significant involvement from the Lister Dodgeball League since the tournament began, and UASUevents continues to collaborate heavily with the LDL to ensure that this event runs as smoothly and as fairly as possible. Dodgeball has a large following in Lister Residence, so many of the tournament’s participants are Lister Residents and Alumni, with many experienced volunteer referees also coming from Lister and the LDL. Campus Cup sees participation from people of a variety of backgrounds and experience levels. Whether you are a Lister Resident or Alumnus, you heard about Campus Cup through Campus Recreation, you loved dodgeball in elementary or secondary school, or you are trying dodgeball for the first time ever, Campus Cup is a great way to have fun and meet new people.
The tournament would not be possible without the many volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to making the tournament outstanding. Apart from the countless referees who make sure the games are running smoothly on the courts, the tournament relies on Gym Captains who organize game sheets and facilitate the direction of teams at each gym. Starting in 2016, Campus Cup facilitators were hired to be Gym Captains and occasional referees in the Recreational Conference, as well as to assist in waiver signing, set up and take down, and in the Players’ Lounge. In recent years, the UASUevents Crew has been involved in all of those areas of volunteer help.
Campus Cup has grown and expanded immensely since its inception, and it continues to grow year after year with new features and additions. The tournament has seen the introduction of: Free Agents so anybody can join in on the fun, three conferences for a variety of skill levels, swag bags provided for each participant, and a Players’ Lounge for players to hang out in between games. From 16 teams to over 100, Campus Cup has grown into an annual event which students, staff, and alumni alike look forward to each year!