Peer Support Centre: We're here to listen.
Anna Bailey (she/her) - Program Lead | anna.bailey@su.ualberta.ca
Introduction/Background: Hello everyone, I’m Anna! This is my third year with the Peer Support Centre. For the previous two years, I have served as a volunteer. I am so excited to take on this new role in hopes of supporting our campus community! I was raised as a settler on Treaty 6 and 7 Land. For the past five years, I have lived on Treaty 6 Land in attendance of the University of Alberta. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and work towards the decolonization of Indigenous knowledges and traditions. As I graduate with my Bachelor of Science this year, I look forward to employing my skills to be of service to those around me!
I am.../I am not…: I am a learner who is passionate about hearing the perspectives of others. I am not perfect, and accept that I am only an expert in my own situation.
Self Care Practice: I love to exercise when I can, BUT I am most likely catching up on a reality TV series (honestly feel like I could win a trivia show on The Real Housewives). I love spending time with the people who mean the most to me and who listen to ALL of my feelings. This includes my dogs, cats, and horses, who live with my family. I sometimes feel that these practices are unproductive, but I am working on being happy with myself and recognizing my own capacity. Through my university experience and my time with the Peer Support Centre, I have learned that it's okay to prioritize what is serving you at any moment of time, and even if that doesn’t serve an ideal, that’s okay because that is what works for me!
Tip to students: I have (and still do) spend way too much time thinking about what could’ve been. This doesn’t necessarily apply to the distant past or future but to my daily moments. I encourage you to do as I am learning to do. Accept and recognize that you acted to the best of your ability in every situation, and be proud and grateful to yourself for that.
Ashley Barrett (she/her) - Student Coordinator | ashley.barrett@su.ualberta.ca
Introduction/Background: Hello! Three years ago I became involved with the Peer Support Center when I was accepted into the 2021/22 training class. I enjoyed a wonderful 2 years as a supportive listening volunteer before stepping into my current position as coordinator. Currently I am working on my Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Biological Sciences. I grew up in Calgary and moved to Edmonton to attend the UofA. I love the community here and feel so grateful to live and work as a settler on these Treaty 6 lands.
I am…./ I am not…..: I am kind and strong hearted. I am not under any obligation to be perfect.
Self Care Practice: I am a huge reader so it is the most fulfilling practice to enjoy some reading on my patio (or by the fireplace in our many winter months)! I also love exploring all the walking trails, bookstores, libraries, and coffee shops in Edmonton. It is also really relaxing to me to make new playlists on spotify. I am also a huge fan of yoga and spin! In harder times I really lean into rest and connecting with my loved ones.
Tip to Students: Try to eliminate “shoulds” from your mentality on university life. It can add so much unnecessary stress when you are overly committed to the way your experience “should” go. You can also inadvertently limit yourself from many unexpected opportunities. Trust yourself and question where those “‘shoulds” actually come from.
Fern Middleton (she/her) - Student Coordinator | fern.middleton@su.ualberta.ca
Introduction/Background: Hello everyone! This is my second year at the PSC, beginning with the centre as a volunteer in 2022 and now as one of the Coordinators! I am in my fourth year of my Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology and minoring in Sociology. I am originally a settler of Treaty 7 Territory being born in Calgary, and I moved to Edmonton when I started at the University of Alberta in 2020!
I am.../I am not…: I am someone who has empathy for others and seeks acceptance and grace in return; I am not defined by others' approval.
Self Care Practice: My favourite ways to unwind are either spending time with my roommates or crocheting! I’m a sucker for a good Netflix show or Crime Junkies episode which is typically on in the background while I crochet. Physically, I try to make it to the gym most days of the week, but am cautious to give myself grace when I skip days. I acknowledge that not every day is filled with sufficient self-care, but taking at least 20 minutes to myself at the end of each day makes a difference.
Tip to students: Seek balance in your academic and social life! Making friends, experiencing campus life, and allowing yourself to enjoy your young adulthood is just as important as studying. It can be scary to put yourself out there but everyone else is looking for those connections too!

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9AM - 5PM
Tuesday & Thursday
9AM - 7PM
Our last day of service for this academic year will be April 19th. If you are in need of support please contact the Edmonton Distress Line (780-482-4357)
Upcoming Events
Check out our Outreach Section for more information
Peer Support Centre
Room 2-707
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7