VP External
Abdul Abbasi VP External

Abdul Abbasi (he/him) is your Vice President External for the 2024/2025 term. Abdul was born in Pakistan and is entering his fourth year of a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Law, Crime and Justice at the Augustana Campus. He has been involved in student governance since his first year, starting as an off-campus councillor in his faculty association and representing the Augustana Campus at SU and GFC the following year.

In his role, Abdul will work to represent students to municipal, provincial, and federal governments to ensure that students receive the best deals possible. He will advocate for more affordable degrees, increased job opportunities, and more funding for sexual and gender-based violence support and much more.

Outside of governance, Abdul enjoys watching sports and spending time with friends. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to discuss politics or UASU activities, feel free to email vp.external@uasu.ca!

Duties of the VP External

The Vice-President External is focused primarily on external advocacy, working with the municipal, provincial and federal governments on issues that impact students, such as tuition, financial aid, and student debt. The person in this position frequently meets with MLAs and MPs to advocate on behalf of students. The "VP Ex" works closely with post-secondary lobby groups, including the Council of Alberta University Students and the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations.

Le/de la vice-président.e externe se concentre principalement sur la défense des intérêts à l'extérieur, en travaillant avec les gouvernements municipaux, provinciaux et fédéraux sur des questions qui ont un impact sur les étudiants, comme les frais de scolarité, l'aide financière et la dette étudiante. La personne qui occupe ce poste rencontre fréquemment les députés provinciaux et fédéraux pour défendre les intérêts des étudiants. Le " VP Ex " travaille en étroite collaboration avec les groupes de pression du secteur postsecondaire, notamment le Council of Alberta University Students et l'Alliance canadienne des associations étudiantes.

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Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7