Background Information

Sustainability & Capital Fund

The following documentation includes the Sustainability and Capital Fund Proposal prepared by the Students' Union, as well as background information from a variety of sources. In addition, we have provided some research into potential projects.

Documentation and Research

Sustainability and Capital Fund Proposal (24 February 2020, v. 1.0)

  • This document was prepared by Marc Dumouchel, the General Manager of the Students' Union, and is intended as an overview of the Sustainability and Capital Fund concept and the rationale behind it.

SCF Presentation (Fall, 2020)

  • This is a slide deck that provides a overview of the Sustainability and Capital Fund Proposal.

Facility Condition Assessment Report (June 24, 2019)

  • This is a report from Alberta Infrastructure on the condition of the Students' Union Building.

Campus Accessibility: A Case for Universal Design at the University of Alberta (May 2019)

  • This study, prepared by research staff at the UASU, was designed to inform the University of Alberta Students’ Union (UASU) and the Facilities and Operations department of the University of Alberta of the state of accessibility in the physical campus environment.

Student Spaces: Best Practices (February 2019)

  • This study, also prepared by Cooper Csorba at the UASU, is an exploration into the state of student spaces at the University of Alberta.

Research on potential projects

The Design of Happiness: Redesigning Interior Spaces to Improve User Health and Wellness (Fall, 2019)

  • This masters thesis by Erin Van Horn was based on a case study of three spaces within the Student Union Building.

Myer Horowitz Theatre Renovation and Expansion (draft - 26 September 2017)

  • This is an early draft of the architect's Design Development report for a possible renovation and expansion of the Myer Horowitz Theatre.
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Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7