Booking a walk

A free accompaniment service for anyone travelling on or around campus at night

How do I book a one-time walk?

You can book a one-time walk using this form. (only until April 12th!)

What is a Recurring Walk?

[Not in service] A recurring walk is a walk set for the same time and place every week. Recurring walks are used to cut down on client wait times, as they will have a team of Safewalk patrollers ready to meet them at the same time on a weekly basis. You can book a [recurring walk using this form.]

You can book a recurring walk using this form.

Who can Book a Walk?

Walks are open to any member of the University, with recurring walks being especially ideal if you have a weekly night class or a set work schedule. At the start of the term, you may fill out the form for a recurring walk (which will be valid until the end of the semester or until you cancel), a member of Safewalk's administration will contact you shortly after via email to confirm your appointment, and you're all set!

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780 4 WALKME
(780 492 5563)



Mondays: 7pm to 12am
Tuesdays: 7pm to 12am
Wednesday: 7pm to 12am
Thursday: 7pm to 12am
Fridays: 7pm to 12am

Please note that we will be closed on March 7th, 2024. Thanks for understanding and our apologies for the inconvenience.

Please note, services are subject to closure in instances of extreme weather conditions.

Please contact U of A Protective Services to request an escort on North Campus outside Safewalk's regular hours, including during the daytime and on weekends, by calling 780-492-5050.


Safewalk Office
Student Life Central 0-74SUB
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7