Step 5

Step 5

Step 5: Leverage your involvement

Leveraging your involvement doesn't necessarily mean you are using your experiences for selfish gains. What it does do, is give you and others a better understanding of your sense of self. Sharing your experiences can give potential employers an idea of who is joining their team. It can give you the ability to inspire groups and affect change. Being able to share your involvement with others and communicate how your contributions helped contribute to the person you are demonstrates a level of growth and dedication.

Some professional faculties require students to list their involvement as part of the admissions process. They recognize the value of an involved individual. Some professions don't look at your grades at all; they check to see if you have a degree and check to see where and with whom you were involved. Your resume and C.V. should always contain sections listing your "volunteerism", "community service", or "involvement. Regardless of what you call it, listing your involvement should be a key part in the way you represent yourself on paper.

SU Resources

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Seek election within SU Governance

Campus Resources

Career Fairs

Resume and CV Critiques

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Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7