Plans for The Future
The Students’ Union’s first Strategic Plan was first created in 1992, and was updated in 2001 and 2011. In March 2011 Students’ Council passed Bylaw 4000, which requires the UASU to develop, maintain, and use a Strategic Plan, and to renew it every four years. This reflects not only the importance of the planning process, but also how much the UASU has grown, the increased sophistication of our programs, and the changing environment - particularly in the area of technology - in which we operate.
In the fall of 2018, Students’ Union executives and staff, working with student Councillors, and students-at-large, began the process of reviewing the 2015 Strategic Plan. In March 2019, a draft of the new plan was made available for public comment and feedback.
The plan includes our Mission, Values and Vision, and four Critical Success Factors or with goals that must be achieved in order for the UASU to succeed in meeting our mission and vision.