Campus Connections

Lost, But Found!

InfoLink - Fri Feb 08, 2013

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Your day was going great. You woke up on time, had a good hearty breakfast, and aced your midterm. When suddenly: You’ve lost it. Your wallet. Your phone. Your saxophone. Your favorite sweater. Whatever it is, it might as well be the end of the world. It's gone forever, lost in the oblivion that is BioSci. Whatever the case may be, you’ve lost it, and your life is forever changed. What do you do?


Just kidding, don’t panic. Because, however horrible this world may appear after reading the daily newspaper, be not afraid, fellow student! Good citizens exist! They walk amongst you, each and every day. They call the U of A campus home, just like you! So praise these wondrous people who constantly restore our faith in humanity, for they are likely to find your lost thing and turn it in to the nearest Lost & Found.

Lost & Found, you say? Here, on campus? Well, that's preposterous! How can any large institution, such as the UofA, have the capacities to handle something that is surely so grandiose in size! With close to 36,000 students on campus, there’s gotta be a whole treasure trove of lost items, equal in size and epicness to The Goonie’s Jackpot cave- complete with a pirate ship and plenty of booty! Where can such a trove exist? (Cough, the basement of NREF? Could that be how the Engineer’s got their pirate theme at Orientation? The answer to both, would be a simple no.)

Anyway, such a Lost & Found does exist, and at your nearest InfoLink booth on campus!

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Follow these simple steps to get reunited with your precious (cough), lost thing. (Sorry Gollum, we can’t help you to get back the Ring.)

Step 1: Where did you last see the object? Go back there and check. Was it in a library? Maybe ask the librarians; they might have something by the desk. Did you lose it in the Business Atrium? Well, the nearest InfoLink booth to Business is in HUB, the next is in CAB. Check with both of those booths.

Step 2: Now you’re at an InfoLink booth. Now what? Just tell them what you lost and where, and we will check for it.

Step 3: Yes! The Booth has it! If the booth does have your lost item, the InfoLinker will ask you for some positive identification to ensure you are who you say you are (if you are picking up a wallet, a bank card or ONEcard, for example); or, they will ask you if you can describe the object in detail. Once you’ve done that, you sign that you took it and you’re off on your merry way!

WAIT! What if the booth I check doesn’t have my lost thing?

Then move to Step 4: Ask us anyway. If we don't have your item, it might still make it's way to us.

Good luck!!!