Campus Connections

Spring & Summer at the U of A

InfoLink - Mon Jun 25, 2012

Can you feel it? The sun has shone at least two days in a row and Edmonton may have rid snow from its weather outlook for the next two months. This means summer must finally be here! I know a lot of you are off gallivanting in far away countries or you are working hard at your summer office job so to start off our News feed adventures I thought that I would bring a little of the U of A campus (and what you are missing when you are only here in the Fall/Winter) to you.

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You would think the U of A just shuts down and is pretty boring in the summer and to be honest it does get kind of quiet here. There are no hoards of people rushing from the LRT at 8am to make it class, you don’t have to line up for textbooks at The Bookstore, and the best part is that you never have to wait in a line longer then 5 minutes at Tim Hortons in CAB. Ah, summer on campus is truly my favorite time of year!

Campus in the spring and summer is a home base for many exciting international conferences and events. It also plays home for those students who, like me, choose to continue studies over the summer (because we have to in order to finish our degrees), and to the staff who work here (after all, someone has to run this place while you are gone!). Visitors also tend to make their way to campus while trying to find their way around the city, and usually find themselves distracted by the U of A’s beauty (and yes, a number of them do proceed to get lost, but that’s why I’m here I guess, as I and my fellow Peer Advisors help them eventually find their way back to Whyte Ave).

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If you happen to be taking a lunch break from your office job or just have nothing better to do, you should stroll on down to the old familiar campus whether you are coming back next year or not. Now, I know the last thing you probably want to do on that nice sunny day you have off is to walk around the place you despise for most of September through April, but seriously it’s beautiful down here! The trees are green, there are flowers, and did I mention that there is no line up at Tim Hortons! Come and enjoy that Iced Cap on campus and lose yourself in a side of campus you may have never seen before… and if you get lost while looking at our campus in bloom, remember that we are always waiting to help you at Infolink. alt text