
Day 9: Fall Reading Week - a dream or reality? – May 16

Josh Le - Thu May 16, 2013

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Left: Another monster (not in a bad way, but in scope) of a subject this year is whether the Fall Reading Week will become a reality. This topic's been in the works for the past 4 years and a lot of hours have been dedicated to the cause. The main issue is whether we can get all the stakeholders to agree on a modified schedule that works for everyone. The research and cases supporting the FRW are interesting and compelling, but the logistics of implementing a whole week off are up for debate. Every day is one day closer to the reality of a Fall Reading Week, but for now it remains a dream.

Right: We're one step closer to figuring out the carpet! This is the front runner, but the decision is cost-dependent. To clarify, I do more work than just choose carpet all day, but I think it's an amusing story line to follow. We met with DIALOG, our architects, to discuss the SUB Tower renovations (3rd, 4th, and 6th floors, as the first phase) and the topic of air temperature control in the towers. We've come across interesting and unique challenges regarding the age and condition of the building, but I'm confident our team will get the job done well.

Other stuff: I got to chair my first Grant Allocation Committee, a committee of Students' Council, as chairperson. GAC is arguably one of the more complicated Council committees because it deals with allocating over $3 million to many different groups. This will be an interesting learning experience since we deal with many stakeholders ranging from the Dean of Students, Financial Aid Office, Student Group Services, and more.

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